grafite tagged posts
I was impressed by the amount and quality of the graffiti in Melbourne, specially around Fitzroy. The neighborhood is an ecletic mistures of cafes, shops and vintage places, and here the street art goes with this variety with colors, shapes and shadows. It is like an organic garden of collors invading the squares architecture of the neighborhood. With this diversity of street art, Melbourne is considered the “Stencil Graffiti Capital,” not only Fitzroy but all over the city one can find different types of stencil and graffiti. I saw that there was some tours to see the work of these street artists, a tip could be the “Melbourne Street Art Tours”. I didn’t take the tour. In general I don’t like guided tours, and I imagine that the way I would enjoy these artwork would be different in a tour. I prefer to go without a group, on my pace, and if interest me, if I need no know more, I can came back to the place (or museum) and then, on the second visit, I take the tour...
The city is known for its street art. [soon I will post a photo gallery only on graffiti in Melbourne]
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