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We were very tired when we arrived to Singapore. We got there at 6am but could only get to our hotel room at noon. We had to walk around the city in order to kill time and, after a 40-hour trip, wandering around town falling asleep on our feet wasn’t a very good option.

I went by myself to Singapore, but I wrote “we arrived” because I met Rachel Zuanon at South Africa’s airport and we became fast friends. At the same airport, she introduced me to Yara Guasque. So, “we” means Rachel, Yara and me.

The reason for this journey (as for Scandinavia in 2004) was an Electronic Arts Congress, ISEA 2008 and I took that as an excuse to visit the region. After all, it’s not every day you have the opportunity to travel to the other side of the world.

At first, the city seemed strange to me. That wasn’t the Asia that I knew! It didn’t look one bit like Indonesia, Philippines or Thailand. Architecture is hard, rigid, almost like a representation of its government...

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