We arrived at Khartoum around 4am after a long trip from Spain and Brazil. The trip was a long time of talking, reencounter, disclosures… And early in the morning, with almost no sleep, we went to Colab workshop. This travel was together with Juan Freire, Gabriel Perezzan and Aurea Martinez. We came to Sudan to work in this CoLab Project (ICPL – Khartoum. Interdisciplinary and Collaborative Projects Laboratory).
After the day in the French institute working with local artists, activists, culture producers, I was really tired and went back to the hotel for a nap while the others went to a walk on town. The evening was a great dinner at Assaha Restaurant, a beautiful place resembling a Lebanese traditional village.
The second day in town I was more awake, we went to the workshop from 9am to 3pm and after we decided to visit the Sudan National Museum. Since it was a beautiful day, Juan and I went for a walk by the river, to cross the bridge to Tuti Island. It was interesting how we fell safe in the city compare to other African cities, it is calm and people are very friendly. The “calmness” can be associated to the fact that Sudan is a fundamentalist Islamic state. Under the bridge we saw a bit of a party, a graduation party.
On the walk back to the hotel we went talking about our impressions and trying to sense the place. It started to get dark and all the movement on the streets was fading, the cars were slowly disappearing and progressively the garbage on the streets started to show up. During the day we don’t see the dirty because it is very busy and there are cars everywhere. We passed by many people praying. For me it is always strange in Muslim countries the sound of the prays on speakers on the streets. I feel I am in George Orwell’s 1984 book and the sound of voice representing the surveillance.

Africa muçulmana.. imagino que deve ser bem diferente da parte sul do continente onde a religião de Maomé ainda está começando a se embrenhar. Vcs não vão dar uma passada na Argélia? I think you should! Argel, onde cresceu Albert Camus e viveram tantos outros escritores! Anyway.. É uma pena que não dá pra tomar umas biritas hein!
Desta vez não vai dar, foi viagem rápida de trabalho. mas sim que gostaria de ir no futuro. O que vamos é passar o final de semana no Cairo.
e de bebidas, na terça e hj bebi, é só ter contatos/festas com as embaixadas.
puxa que legal Karla! consegui ver as fotos agora! muito boas hein! até compartilhei no face.. 😉 vou super acompanhar essa viagem! quero saber tbm sobre o CoLab… well, bom trabalho e divirtam-se! beijão