We left Barcelona on a two hour trip to Cervera where we met other people and Lluis, who was organizing the tour. We started visiting the town, its interesting center with some narrow streets. I really liked the street of the
witches where there is a tunnel through the houses.
From Cervera we continued to Bellpuig through a former trail from Sant Jaume de Montserrat to Santiago. It was a pleasant trip because the whole itinerary was flat and we could go relaxed appreciating the landscape. We passed through some small towns and stopped for picnic by some irrigation water canals. They were beautiful because they looked like small rivers.
In Bellpuig we slept in a hostel from the municipal district (it was clean and organized). Dinner time I end up trying the snail, typical food from the region. The feeling was horrible. The idea of getting a stick and digging out the nasty animal from its shell and eating didn’t attract me. I tried one, the taste wasn’t that bad. I believe if it was chopped and mixed with other food I could eat with no problem. But this way, taking the animal out of its “own house” and eating, I couldn’t have another.
On Sunday we met more 15 people who came from Lleida to do the second part of the tour: Bellpuig-Lleida. By the way there we passed through some small villages and lots of fruit trees. This seams to be the region of peaches and apples.
One of the group participants told us they were doing this tour to pay honor to a couple friend (bikers) who died in a car accident. In Lleida we would meet other friends of them to eat together. In town we went straight to the park for the picnic. To get to the meeting point we passed through small bridges in the forest. Beautiful…

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