- 1st day: Mangue Seco – Sítio do Conde 52.51 km
- 2nd day: Sítio do Conde – Baixio 32.69 km
- 3rd day: Baixio – Porto de Sauipe 40.93 km
- 4th day: Porto de Sauipe – Praia do Forte 25.18 km
Download here the gpx of this trip
Cicloturismo: Mangue Seco – Praia do Forte from Karla Brunet on Vimeo.
I had already seen photos from this cycle trip organized by Lucia Saraiva (Amigos de Bike) and I was very interested. This year, luckily, I was able to go. I loved the idea that it would be 4 days of cycling on the sand at low tide. It reminded me of my teenager years when I would go with my “Brisa” from Capão da Canoa to Capão Novo, alone on the beach (about 25/30km in total). My boyfriend would meet me there for a snack and I go back down on the road.
In this edition of 2016, we were a small group of 4 cyclists (Lucia, Dora, Paulo and me), plus Zena who was our support car and the official photographer. The cycling was beautiful, miles and miles only of sand and sea. Every day, we had to cross some rivers, some were not easy to cross due to the strong stream, in others we took boats. I was always the last one in the group, I was like a turtle on the wet sand with “marronzinha” – my bike – which is heavy, from chromo li. In general, when I travel alone I stop a lot to take photos and videos, look at the landscape, feel the place. I’m too slow. There, as I was the last one, I could not afford to stop and delay the group.
The days were beautiful, sunny and the energy of the group was great. We laughed all the time. The rain did not arrive until the last day. In short, the trip was nature, sea and good company.
*Zena, the official travel photographer, made the photos I show up.
Karlinha minha jabuti preferida, amei demais esse vídeo que veio em boa hora para me distrair (tipo: ai eu liguei o vídeo para me distrair….lalala). Posso usar para a próxima viagem de Mangue Seco? Posso,posso, posso, diga que sim, please!!
Oi Lúcia, claro que sim. Pode usar lá. Até o final de semana publico o post de Salinas 🙂