dunes tagged posts


The arrival in Jericoacoara is fun, from Jijoca or Preá one has to get a truck to cross the dunes. We arrived by the end of the afternoon, and as many have recommended me, I went to see the sunset.

On my first day I woke up early to walk on the beach, there was almost nobody. I met, by chance, Marcelo (a guy from São Paulo that came in the same bus I did). Together we hired a guide, Nilson, to do walk us to a place called “pedra furada” (rock with a hole). On the way there we stopped to see a natural pool with a fish form, we bathed in another pool in the middle of the rocks and visited caves. Then we got to “pedra furada”, the post card from Jericoacoara. The way back was by the top of the dunes so we could have a general view of the city and its area. After that we spent the afternoon eating fish, drinking juices and beer and sea bathing.

On the second day I did a tour in a 4×4 wheel drive to the lakes of the region...

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I got in Natal late evening and booked a buggy tour for next day. The tour, to the north coast, was arranged with a young couple from Pernambuco (another state in the northeast of Brazil). They, Juliana and Leonardo, had been in honeymoon in Natal for a week.

The guide, Jean, took us to the white sand dunes of Genipabu. It was like a roller coaster; we drove up and down really fast on the walls of sand. It seems that any time we would overturn. Here they always ask if people want the tour with emotion or without. The difference is that, with emotion, they drive faster and higher, activating your adrenaline. The other one is a bit more behaved, but also a little scary.

We stopped on the top of some dunes in Genipabu to enjoy the view of the lagoon and the beach. Leonardo decided to hide a dromedary for some minutes. From there we went north, always driving on the sand. We stopped for a sea bath and continued to Pitangui Lake...

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