Mitad del Mundo

The Mitad del Mundo city is about 15km away from Quito. It is the landmark of latitude zero. Very small, it looks like a hole surrounded by mountains. On Sundays it is crowded with tourists, the great majority is local tourists who go to visit the monument, the museum and walk around the place. Sometimes there are music and dance performances. Unfortunately I couldn’t see it because the performance was cancelled due to the rain.

Some people say that the monument is not on latitude zero. They say the calculus of the location is wrong, but once there, people say that the equator line marked in the ground is correct. Inside of the tower there is an ethnographic museum. People go up by elevator and go down by stairs seeing an exhibition about the indigenous culture of Ecuador. The museum is small but well organized. There are maps of each region and models showing the clothing of each tribe. This reminded me the indian museums in the north of Brazil, they are badly organized and the information is placed randomly. I think we could give some more value to the indigenous tribes in Brazil constructing a better organized museums…

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