Errante Team

This is a website of Karla Brunet’s travels. Some alone, others with friends, partners, family. See a bit more about Karla and Errante’s collaborators.

DCIM100GOPROKarla Brunet ( is photographer, artist and researcher. She is passionate for knowing different places, her biggest addiction is traveling, as much she does, more she wants. Karla has worked to travel guides as  Fodors from Random House writing the guide “Brazil” and “São Paulo”. She also free-lanced for Abril Publishing House and had her travel photos published on magazines Viagem e Turismo, Caminhos da Terra, Revista TAM nas Nuvens….

Different from many, Karla doesn’t mind traveling alone. She thinks “lonely travels” are a distinctive way of perceiving the place, one gets more open to the people and new culture. So, she has traveled alone in all 5 continents: Asia, Africa, America, Europa e Oceania. And she has been to more than de 60 countries and lived in different cities/countries. The city of Salvador, in Bahia-Brazil, is the place she chose to call “hers”. It’s from where she will depart to next adventures. twitter @ksbrunet


Adam Smith aka Star Phoenix ( is a global nomad and artist. Born in Monte Carlo to an English father and Australian mum, he has lived in Saudi Arabia, Italy, Switzerland, England and Australia. He works with love and self-awareness to bring healing into this world. Star lives in the beautiful Island of Bali where he teaches Yoga and practices Craniosacral Therapy. He holds regular spiritual workshops in Asia and is a passionate freelance photographer and travel writer as well as a surrealist painter. Here in Errante, Star contributed with some posts on Australia.
Adailton Nunes ( has a degree in art and technology, passionate for design and illustration, he embarked in Errante in 2011 to travel in the posts from 10 years ago, before traveling to the word itself. Meanwhile, he travels in the posts he publishes and imagine this places today is his entertainment. After, he plan to know Brazil and the wold, errantly! twitter @adailtonunes .

Gabriela Grizzo, is a photographer and sociologist, helped during the South America trip. In 2001, she collaborated with Errante from São Paulo, uploading the site, organizing the info and photos. Gabriela has traveled for months in Africa, has lived in London and Denmark, nowadays she lives in São Paulo.

Karina Brunet collaborated in the beginning of errante writing the posts of the prototype trip to Iguaçu Falls. Then, she helped on Portuguese spelling whenever I was writing from a computer that did not have an option for Portuguese keyboard (yes, back in 2001 that was this problem).
197518_3429535675586_779059517_n Lenon Reis (Canal no YouTube) has a degree in video by Oi Kabum School of Art and Technology where he started his career in audiovisual in 2008. He has worked on video for different festivals as FIAC and has directed the documentary of the European tour of NEOJIBA orchestra when he had the opportunity to travel with them. At Errante, Lenon is responsible for video editing in 2012.
Marcelo Conde is from Bahia, Brazil, loves hiking, biking, paddling and sailing. He is environmental engineer and works with water resources. He embarked on Errante’s adventures in early 2017, debuting on a trip to the mouth of  São Francisco River. Marcelo writes some Errante posts and assists drone recordings. He lives in Salvador, from where he leaves for Errante’s adventures around the world.
Maxim Popovitch joined Errante from 2004 to 2006. He was partner in some ot the trips and has contributed with the image editing, photo selection and html pages. Nowadays, he lives in Barcelona, from where departs to future trips.
Midiã Fiuza is a marketing person and motion pictures student. She was part of Errante in 2012 to work on digital marketing of the new version of the website. Addicted for art, language, culture and new learning, her slogan is “knowledge is never too much.” In a near future, she intends to follow her father steps and became an adventurer without borders.
oscar Òscar Buenafuente got into Errante in 2014. He’s Spanish/Catalan but has lived for 12 years in the Brazilian Amazon region. He’s passionate about books; especially those who make him travel to other worlds: Sci-Fi and Fantasy. Oscar started by translating some posts that were only in Portuguese and soon got interested in traveling the “Errante” way. In 2015 he joined Karla on travels and adventures on this world. Twitter @OBuenafuente
Priscila Cabral is a historian and artist. She believes in memory and culture as sensitive ways to transform societies. She loves the sea, traveling inland and visiting public spaces and cultural goods around the world. She started her collaboration with Errante in 2021, with the post on the book “Bicycle Diaries”, by David Byrne.

Learn more About Errante

One comment to Errante Team

  • Janet Donio  says:

    Delicia ver o errante ativo, de cara nova! Parabens! Fotos e conteudo que fazem a gente querer preparar a mochila e sair por esse nosso maravilhoso mundo. Que venham muitas historia e aventuras! Jan

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