Lima – Museums

In Lima I visited the “Museo Nacional de Antropologia y Arqueologia”, located in Plaza Bolívar, a typical square of small city surrounded by colored colonial building. The museum shows the different phases of the indigenous cultures in Peru. Each culture is represented with the map of its region, time they had lived, its ceramics, clothing, mummies, skeletons… One of the attractions of the museum is the maquette of Machu Pichu where it shows how civilization worked. It has bulbs that light up showing what was each place in the construction.

The same day I visited the “Museo del Oro del Peru y Armas del Mundo”. The first floor you get in is a room full of rifles, knives, swords, digging, uniforms, armors, all possible warlike material, all in great amounts. I think I had never seen so many weapons together in my life. I did not like it at all, I felt suffocated and I left. I went to a handcraft store.

After some time, I came back and went to the basement to see the golden objects. Here the objects were divided by indigenous cultures. There was enormous masks made in gold and also all kind of golden ornament, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings… There were human models of each culture showing the clothing and all ornaments, like a “Christmas tree”. The upper floor had an enormity of tapestries. All the imaginable types of patterns, colors and drawings. It was impossible to see everything. The museum suffocates a little for the great amount of things. Perhaps it was better if they had fewer objects, so one could spend more time observing them. Or maybe a bigger space so the objects wouldn’t be accumulated. For me, the ideal would be if they could distribute a part of their material to other museums in Peru, thus enriching the small museums. This would never happen since this is a private museum and the objects are really expensive.

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