Food in Japan

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Beer in Japan

kb_jp14_0719I’m not an expert in beer, I’m a wine person, but when I travel I drink beer. It’s practical and refreshing.  In Japan I’ve drunk Kirin, Sapporo, Yebisu, Asahi… I couldn’t say which is my preferred one. Asahi and Yebisu are considered to be better and Kirin looks like to be the most popular since it is everywhere. What caught my attention in terms of beer in Japan is that they like it very cold, like us Brazilians. After some moths living in Berlin, where beer is not always very cold, it was good to get a “freezing cold” beer in Japan.

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Different toilets in Japan

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Transport in Japan

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Camel burger


In Dubai, at Al Fahidi historical neighborhood I saw a restaurant sign “Camel Burger”. I didn’t resist it. I tried for the first time camel meet. I thought it tasted like other burgers, but this had a cinnamon taste on it. Maybe that was to disguise the camel taste or it was only a local culinary practice. Concluding: approved!

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City tour around Dubai – 2nd day



Dubai’s tour has two lines: blue and red. I started my day in the blue line which goes to the beach and the financial center of the city. Dubai has high temperatures the whole year through. Now, in the fall, it was a “mild” 35°C. In summer, daily temperatures are higher than 40°C, so the beach should be one of the main attractions of the city.  Unfortunately, like in most Islamic countries, it’s mainly for tourists. Jumeirah has some beach clubs that, depending on the day, are women only. I imagine that might be mostly visited by the locals and not so much by foreigners.

My first stop was Jumeirah Public Beach. From there you can see the famous Burj Al Arab. I’ve seen a documentary on the construction of this luxurious hotel and that made me want to see it from up close. Burj Al Arab is considered a 7 stars hotel and was built on an artificial island. The building’s base is made of 230 concrete spikes embedded in the sand...

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A visit to Sharjah on Dubai Tour

sharjahDubai is a big, spread out city with limited options of transportation. Cabs are expensive and the different attractions are pretty far away. That’s why one of the best options to move around the city is taking a Hop-On Hop-Off tour. This way you’re free to stop anywhere you want, for as long as you want, without depending on any group or having to follow someone carrying an umbrella. My choice was BigBus Dubai. I recommend the 48h ticket. It’s not so much more expensive than the 24h ticket and a day is not enough to get to know this interesting city.


I started my BigBus tour in Sharjah, a city next to Dubai. More conservative than her modern neighbor, Sharjah is a big city with broad avenues and residential buildings. Everything looks quite modern too, like a newly built city. The tour takes 3,5 hours and has two stops. The first one was on The Heritage Area, an historical Center rebuilt with traditional style houses and little museums...

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Soft-drinks in Berlin

Yes, this deserves a post in Errante. It is incredible the number of different soft-drinks in Berlin. I remember when I was a child in Santa Maria, we had Guaraná da Cirila, Cirilinha,… Nowadays we don’t have regional soft-drinks anymore, it is only Coca-Cola and Pepsi. I loved that in Berlin there is an amazing amount of alternatives to the soft-drinks multinationals.

Cola Rebell Maxx Chili: it has a caramel taste with some spice feeling on the end. We bought it at a shop specialized on pepper near Alexander Platz.

Wostok: I drank the flavor Dattel-Granatapfel (Date-Pomegranate) and Òscar, the Estragon-Ingwer (Tarragon-Ginger). Mine, in the end, had a sort of chewing gum taste. I liked Òscar’s choice better

Now Orange: I bought it at an organic supermarket. The bottle is beautiful, unusual design. It tasted very good, like real juice and not the artificial orange taste.

Thomas Henry Spice Ginger: This has a bitter taste mixed with ginger. I liked it a lot...

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Berlin, street art and cycling

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Berlin underground: From Flak Towers to Mountains of Debris

vistaTorre2 Lenara Verle, my guru for cultural activities in Berlin, told me about the tours organized by Berliner Unterwelten. It is an association focus on the city’s underground history and tours. The autumn arrived and this is the last month of the Tour 2 – From Flak Towers to Mountains of Debris. The days I could make it, there was only tour in German. So I invited Lenara to come with me. After all, my German is “reasonable” but hers is very good. See Lenara’s log bellow.


aspas_abremInvited by Errante, I joined a tour inside the ruins of a flak tower in Humboldthain Park. The tour is offered by the Berlin Underground Association, a group that explores many underground structures connected to Berlin’s history, including bunkers, tunnels, sewage ducts, pneumatic mail networks and others. Their many volunteers help with digging, cleaning and rehabilitating abandoned spaces, transforming them into small museums and locations for guided tours.

In this tour we visited the one flak tower remaining of thre...

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