Categoria / Category Bonito and Pantanal 2002

Bonito and Pantanal 2002

See the posts of Bonito and Pantanal trip in 2002

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Bonito Aventura Guide – Brazil

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Caiman Refúgio Ecológico

I did a day tour at Refúgio Ecológico Caiman. We were a small group (a Brazilian girl, her Turkish husband and me), it was great. We started the tour in small canoes. It worked perfectly because we could get close to bird and alligators without disturbing them with a boat engine.

We walked a little in the woods. It must have been lunch time for the mosquitoes because they seamed to be pretty hungry. The place where we left the canoes was crowded with alligator. They didn’t bother about our presence, they should be used to tourists.

After lunch we accompanied the biologists of the Blue Macaw Project. We went to see the nestles on the trees. It was interesting to see their work. They have a chart report and notes to all nestles. Each bird has a private name. The biologists climb up the tree and get the baby macaw to analyze. They wait it and make an estimative of when it is going to fly...

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Fazenda San Francisco

I did a tour in São Francisco farm. In the morning we went on the back of a truck for bird watch. We drove through the rice fields, one of the biggest in the state. We saw some capybaras and alligators. By the end of the tour we walked in the woods to observe the vegetation. We could see on trees the marks of the water from the rain season. Normally rain season starts by the end of November but it is mid December and it hasn’t rained yet. They all complain about the lack of rain. The only ones happy about the drought and the beautiful sunny days are the tourists. We went back to the farm house. Before lunch we played volley in the pool. Perfect for refreshing. After a good lunch we rested in the hammocks. Good life!

In the afternoon the tour was by boat. It was time to see alligators and piranhas. When we stopped to fish, the alligators came toward the boat. I believe they are used to be fed with piranhas...

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Fazenda Baia Grande

I got to Baia Grande in the morning and was received by Alexandre, the owner. He showed me the house, stable, orchard, bird… The farm works with rural tourism. They receive tourists, in general foreigners, who want a experience of living in a farm. They sleep in the farm’s house. The food is made with aliments produced in the farm and cooked on the old style wood oven.

In the morning I walked around the house and spend some time chatting with Alexandre. By noon a Dutch tourists arrived. We had a typical lunch, rice, beans, steak and salad. The desert reminded me home, figs in syrup and ambrosia (a desert make with sugar and milk). We took a nap in the hammocks to go for a horse hide in the afternoon.

The horse hide was to see the farm, feed the cattle and appreciate the local vegetation. We passed by a small water reservoir where we saw a alligator head in the water. Later we saw a capybara by another reservoir. We also saw birds like woodpecker and toucan...

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Rio da Prata

The Recanto Ecológico do Rio da Prata is in Jardins, a town 54km far from Bonito. The trip was too far to be done with a moto-taxi. I end up getting a hide from a “carioca” couple and his son João. There, we got the equipment (wetsuit, boots, mask and snorkel). Then we hiked by the river for an hour and a half. Almost every tour in this region has this kind of hikes. I consider them important because it is when the guide explain about the environment and he give a class on ecological awareness. It is worth it, the places are so beautiful and it is necessary to preserve.

We went in the water at the spring of Rio Olho D´água and there started snorkeling. We came back to our starting point by the river, following the stream. We didn’t have to swim, neither move the legs, it was just lay down on the water and let the river take you. Good! The river was very clear and we could see a great amount of fishes.

Back to the farm house we had a lunch with typical food...

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Rio do Peixe

At the arrival at Rio do Peixe we met Moacyr, the owner of the farm. After forming grups of 12 we left for a walk on the woods. Once in a while we stopped for a waterfall bath. The place was beautiful, clean water and lots of green. The trail ended in a whole in the rock. We climbed up and jumped in the water. We came back a small part by the river.

Back to the farm house, Moacyr and his wife waited us for lunch. It was lots of regional food. What I liked the most was a “sopa paraguaia”, hat it is not a soup, it is a sort of dough made with corn flour and cheese. Delicious. After lunch we took a nap on leather hammocks produced in the region.

In the afternoon we did another trail. We passed by some waterfalls, bathed and end up at a part of the river where there was a reel. We used it to jump in the water. It was interesting to see people from different ages become child again.

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Gruta do Lago Azul and Bonito Aventura

After a 24h trip I got in Bonito really tired. I spent the afternoon in the pool sunbathing, something that becomes precious when you live in Europe.

On my second day I went to visit the “Gruta do Lago Azul”, 18km from town. I got Edson’s moto-taxi to get there. These taxi by motorcycle are very popular in Bonito. In the cave I met a group of students from Dourados, a city in Mato Grosso do Sul. I thought it was funny their curiosity towards me. I think all of them asked me where I came from. Some would get impressed.

The cave is beautiful. After going down about 400 meters we arrived at the “Blue Lake”. The clear water made possible to see the stones on the bottom. I liked to observe everybody wispering: “How beautiful!” or “It is really blue!”, “The water is so clear!”

The afternoon tour was Bonito Aventura, about 4 km from town. There I met the manager, Janaina, who explained me the tour. We tried on the wet suit and sandals...

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