An Interview with Hannah Pearson

Here you can see a short interview with Hannah Pearson, Padi Dive Instructor, who guided us in some of the dives at Utila Dive Center. Hannah talks about her favorite dive sites in Utila and how she decided to leave England and go to Honduras.

An Interview with Hannah Pearson from Karla Brunet on Vimeo.

See also some other posts on Honduras, April 2013:

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Diving in Utila – 4th day

14038624354_bb26795086_bThis was my last dive day in Utila, we went to Raggedy Cay and Black Bird Point dive sites. On the first dive, I saw a turtle swimming into the deep sea. And as some diver friends, Marisa and Jorge, nicknamed me after the turtles I chase, I had to be myself and follow it. Since it was going fast, I descend looking at my diver computer all the time. Right in the beginning I realize an young guy is frenetically following me and the turtle, at the same time I see our divemaster (Suzanne Eggerding, Padi Dive Instructor) pulling him back up. I make an “ok” sign to her and continued. Luckily the turtle did not go too deep and stopped at 32m, so I could get close and take a photo. Afterwards, in the boat I found out that the guy following me was an open water diver and that was why he was not allowed to go deeper with me.

The second dive was the one I liked the most, not for its fauna but for its place, even though I had a great time observing some squids swim and change colors depending of ...

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Diving in Utila – 3rd day, Honduras 2013

Photo by Karla Brunet/ErranteOn the third day of diving in Utila we went to Paraiso and Sting Ray Point dive sites. Both had beautiful coral formations and great visibility. In this dive day, one of the highlights was a beautiful turtle that was there, just waiting for me and we went for a swim together.

The other highlight was a spotted eagle ray, it was far away but I could get closer and swim with it. As it was its habitat and not mine, so the ray won the race and left me behind. I had seen many rays when diving, but this was the first time I could get close to a spotted eagle ray. And that is what fascinates me in diving, even though you dive a lot, there is always something new to see, a new feeling… The underwater world is full of surprises.

1st dive: Paraiso:
Date: 2013-04-25 – 08:46 Max Depth: 21.5m Duration: 56mins

2nd dive: Sti...

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Diving in Utila – 2nd day, Honduras 2013

Photo by Karla Brunet/ErranteOn my second day diving in Utila I did a night dive, bellow you can see the info on the dives. Some people do not like night dive, they get scared, others are crazy for it. I like it, but don’t chance the day for the night. The great interest in night diving is the possibility to see something different, fishes and other species that have evening habits. And, of course, to cover the flashlight light in the darkness of the sea, just with the moon and boat light above us, it is an incredible feeling.

The dives this day were beautiful, many coral formation, small fishes and another charming sea horse. Every dive day has its highlight, today was the huge green moray that passed by us. I did not resist and followed it for a long time. In general, morays are hidden on their holes, just the head out opening and closing the big mouth, breathing and waiting for food. This time the moray was free in the sea. I thought that when it feels my presence it would hide away...

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Diving with sharks

The dives we did in Caye Ambergris were the best I’ve ever done for shark seeing. It was not a school of sharks but they were very ‘friendly’. Generally, when I see a shark in a dive, when the fish sees me, he goes away, in the opposite direction. Here no, they would go very near us, it was like a dog that wants to sniff you.

The first I was went very near the divemaster, looked like it kissed his fins. While I was making the video, I did not realize there was another stuck to me, almost touching my belly. And the one I recorded in the beginning, went around and came on my direction. Incredible, it was not scary but the adrenaline went high. See the video.

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Diving at Caye Ambergris

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Caye Ambergris, Belize 2013

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Caye Caulker, Belize 2013

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Great Blue Hole

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Flores and Tikal

kb_gt13_0819My last stop in Guatemala was Tikal, a Mayan archeological site. Located on Petén region, east side of the country, Tikal is about 8 hours by bus from Antigua. As my trip to the country was short, I decide to fly from Guatemala city to Flores (40min. trip).

Flores, a gateway to visit Tikal, is small and beautiful, a city island crowded with tourists, cafés, bars and hotels. Here the atmosphere is vacation and easygoing traveling. It takes about an hour to surround the island (city) walking.

kb_gt13_0683Considered UNESCO World Heritage Site, Tikal is about an hour by bus from Flores. Different from other pre-colombian site I had visited as Teotihuacán and Chichén Itzá that were very hot and dry, Tikal is humid and very green, is in the middle of a tropical forest.

Tikal impressed my by its beauty and gorgeous nature. It used to be one of the major Mayan cities in Americas. I recommend buying the map and follow the tracks to see each temple hidden in the green...

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